Hello and welcome to my 5th year of designing and decorating homes! I feel like each year goes faster but I know it's because I have been blessed with amazing projects! I thought it would be fun to celebrate 🎉 with strolling down memory lane and showing you guys some never seen before shots. As I look through them I still feel the excitement, anticipation, stress and worry that I had (and still have) on each project. I began helping my friends. I still feel this is the best place to start a business. Beginning with friends gave me the grace and opportunity to dive into the details without the added pressure of trying to know it all.

My first "project", I helped a girlfriend with her living room. She wanted to purchase new furniture and accessories in order to brighten up her farmhouse and accent the stone. We selected lighter furniture, an area rug and some new accessories which allowed the stone and wood accent pieces to stand out.
Next, I helped another girlfriend who had this beautiful room off the kitchen that they were using only as a dining room.

She wanted to have it become more multi-purpose so her family could relax, play games and enjoy their panoramic views of the hills. We painted, purchased matching settees with a storage ottoman, some area rugs and rearranged the furniture. I wish I had a picture of the awesome yellow sideboard that was added a little while later right by the door for storage!

Here she is! My very first non family and friend project. I love looking back on how it all began and remembering the lessons learned on each project. This house I actually pass quite frequently and still smile knowing that I was able to switch up their home, even if for only a little bit.
Which brings me to my first "full service" project.

I wrote a post on this project when I began writing 3 years ago😱 and to this day think about this one. It was my first project that I did a full 3d design drawing up both of these rooms (there's a kitchenette and bar down here as well), presenting, sourcing and purchasing for my client. The knowledge I gained when it comes to space planning, fabrics, textures, colors, patterns, sourcing and purchasing is the base of how I design today. This was a great transformation so go read the post to see the before and afters!
I could go on and on about each project that came after that because every one taught me something new. I've had both highs and lows, amazing experiences and ones that I learned from. Each year I focus more on what I want to represent as a designer. Extending my teaching beyond my Interior Decorating Certification with becoming a Certified Color Expert, a GREENleader and now studying to be a Certified Kitchen and Bath designer so my clients know when they work with me, I come packed with knowledge, experience and their best interest at heart. I cannot thank you all enough for being amazing clients, friends and supporters!
Flash forward to today and here's my latest project! My client has an outstanding fireplace in the eat in part of her kitchen and wanted to create a lounge area. What better place to begin or unwind at the end of the day? The dining room I'm pretty ecstatic about as well. A fantastic marble wallpaper was selected as an accent for the win!
Until next time friends,
* Come follow along! I am always sharing designs, inspiration and project updates on both client and personal projects in Facebook or Instagram! *Beginning a project and need help? From space planning to full service residential design, I can help you create your dream home! Click here for services!